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Website Under Construction

Pardon our mess. We are working on bringing you a new and updated website. If there is something you are looking for, but can't find. Please reach out. Thank you!

Beginner Program Information

Learn to Skate: 9/30-10/3

Try Hockey for Free

Equipment Pickup

New Neck Guard Rules

Begin August 1, 2024

SYHA 2025 Holiday Raffle Winners 

Raffle winners can pick up your checks in concessions

$500 - Martin Morud

$500 - Jennie Orman 

$250 - Samantha Lindberg

$250 - Lauren Johnson

$250 - John Quist

$250 - April Motz

$150 - Joe Dacunha

$150 - Jenny Thoreson

$100 - Kayla Intihar

$100 - Brian Theil


The goal of the Somerset Youth Hockey Association is to provide the best possible environment for the enjoyment of youth hockey by all involved – players, parents, and coaches. The association is dedicated to the development of the basic skills and fundamentals of playing hockey and promoting the community and economic development of Somerset and surrounding areas.

Quick Links

Waiver of Liability

This must be completed prior to your skater participating in any programs at the rink. 

Home of Boys and Girls AAA Hockey